Terms and conditions for applications

When submitting an application to Independent Research Fund Denmark, you must comply with a set of guidelines and conditions. The specific guidelines and conditions you are required to adhere to are outlined in the funding instrument and the corresponding call for proposals that you wish to apply for.

Gender balance

Independent Research Fund Denmark strives to support gender balance at Danish research institutions and would like to see this taken into consideration in applications to DFF. For this reason, DFF encourages applications that, to the extent possible, demonstrate an approach to scientific practice that can act as a driving force for professional and scientific diversity and equal opportunities for researchers regardless of gender. For applications seeking support for research groups or similar collaborative projects, the applicant must account for their considerations in relation to the gender composition of the research group or collaborative team in the application form. Such an account is a requirement, but the actual gender composition of the group will not factor into the assessment of the application. The required account has been introduced to ensure the applicant’s focus on contributing to equal opportunities for everyone in research, regardless of gender.

Open Access

DFF finds that it is important to strengthen the societal effect of research by ensuring unrestricted and cost-free digital access to all the latest research results in scientific articles. For this reason, Independent Research Fund Denmark, the Danish National Research Foundation, and Innovation Fund Denmark adopted the “Open Access Policy for public research funds and foundations” of April 2019, which requires parallel  publishing of published scientific articles resulting from full or partial funding from these
foundations. However, the fund does not provide financial support for open access  publishing as the fund allows for a quarantine period of 6-12 months. Read more about the fund’s Open Access policy here.

Research integrity and research security

Independent Research Fund Denmark expects granted projects to follow the Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity.

Furthermore, the fund expects that applications to the fund comply with the administrating institution’s implementation of the recommendations by the Committee on Guidelines for International Research and Innovation Collaboration (URIS) (in Danish). The administrating institution’s management confirms this by signing the budget confirmation, which must be attached to the application.  

Due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, DFF does not accept applications from applicants or with participants employed at Russian or Belarussian institutions, or applications encompassing research activities in Russia or Belarus as of 22 March 2022. In the event of a grant being awarded, you will receive an appendix to the grant letter, where these and similar expectations are described further.

Use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) 

If you use artificial intelligence (AI), DFF expects this to happen in a responsible manner. To ensure transparency in regard to the use of artificial intelligence, you must declare in the application form in e-grant if you have used generative AI tools to a substantial extent. The fund further refers to relevant guidelines within the area, e.g. the European Commission’s guidelines  on the responsible use of generative AI in research.

It will not influence the processing of your application whether or not you have used AI.

Questions about your application?

Contact the secretariat
Weekdays from 9 am - 12 pm
Tel.: +45 72 31 82 00
Email: dff-opslag@ufm.dk