Requesting changes to your grant

During the lifespan of a grant, the need to make changes to the grant may arise. On this page, you can read about how to request changes to your grant.

When do I need to request a change? 

As a general rule, you must always request the fund’s approval if you make changes to your project. Examples include: 

  • Changes to the administrator or location of the project’s execution
  • Changes to the research group’s composition
  • Delays and extensions of the project
  • Amendments of a scientific/academic nature
  • Changes and adjustments to the budget.

There are, however, exceptions, particularly regarding reallocation of funds within the budget, where you, as the grant holder, may reallocate without prior approval. The current rules can be found in Terms and Conditions for Grants. Please note that Terms and Conditions for Grants  was revised as of January, 2025. You must always adhere to the terms that were in effect during the year when your application was approved. You can find previous calls for proposals and guidelines here.

If you are unsure of whether or not it is necessary to submit a change request, please contact the Grants Unit.

How do I submit a change request?

When you have been awarded a grant by the fund, it is registered under your profile in e-grant. You can access all relevant information about your project under the “Grants” tab.

Select the specific case for which you wish to submit a change request. Under the heading “Change requests,” select a new action. Fill out the form, attach the required documentation, and submit your change request. Once submitted, the request will appear in the table on the same page.

You can find information about the required documentation for different types of change requests on the Grants Unit’s website.

Who processes my change request?

Your change request will be processed either by the office (Grants Unit), the chairmanship, or the executive committee of the research council that awarded the grant. If you have received a thematic grant, the change will be processed by the research council deemed most closely related to the subject matter.

The fund distinguishes between different types of change requests, as outlined in the funds rules on the modified use of the grant (only in Danish: DFF’s regler om ændret anvendelse af bevillingen). Based on the type of change request submitted, the office (Grants Unit) determines who will process the request.

The office (Grants Unit) only administratively processes requests that do not concern the scientific/academic content.

When will I receive a response to my change request?

The fund processes change requests on an ongoing basis. The research council’s executive committees meet approximately five times a year to assess incoming change requests. Processing time therefore depends on the time of submission of your request relative to these meetings. Change requests that can be processed administratively by the office (Grants Unit) are handled continuously.

Once your request has been processed, you will receive a notification via e-grant informing you of updates to your case. You will then find a letter with the decision on your change request under your grant case in e-grant.

Questions about your grant?

Contact the Grant Unit
Weekdays from 9 am - 12 pm
Tel.: +45 33 92 92 00