Terms and conditions for grants

When you receive a grant from Independent Research Fund Denmark, you are required to comply with a set of guidelines. The specific guidelines you must adhere to are outlined in the grant letter you received via e-grant.

Terms and conditions

Your grant must comply with "Vilkår for bevillinger" and "Tillæg til vilkår for bevillinger" (in Danish) . Please note that a new version came into effect in February 2025. Please note that you must always follow the version of "Vilkår for bevillinger" and any supplements that were in effect at the time you received your grant letter. The applicable version will be clearly stated in your grant letter.

Open Access

Independent Research Fund Denmark aims to enhance the societal impact of research by ensuring unrestricted and cost-free digital access to the latest research findings published in scientific articles. Therefore, Independent Research Fund Denmark, Danish National Research Foundation, and Innovation Fund Denmark have adopted the Open Access Policy for Public Research Funds from April 2019, which requires parallel publishing of scientific articles funded in whole or in part by these funds. However, Independent Research Fund Denmark does not provide financial support for Open Access publishing, as the fund allows an embargo period of 6-12 months. Read more about the fund's Open Access policy.

Research integrity and research security

Independent Research Fund Denmark expects that all funded projects adhere to The Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity.

Furthermore, Independent Research Fund Denmark expects that all funded projects comply with the administrative institution’s implementation of recommendations from Udvalg om retningslinjer for internationalt forsknings- og innovationssamarbejde (URIS) (in Danish). The administrative institution's management confirms this compliance when signing the budget, which is submitted with the application.

Data protection Act and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

All grants funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark must comply with applicable legal frameworks regarding data processing, including the Data protection Act and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (in Danish).   

Other relevant rules

Independent Research Fund Denmark emphasizes that the following rules must be adhered to if relevant to the project:

  • Projects involving human subjects or human biological material must comply with the Bekendtgørelse af lov om videnskabsetisk behandling af sundhedsvidenskabelige forskningsprojekter og sundhedsdatavidenskabelige forskningsprojekter  (LBK nr 1268 af 28/11/2024.) Such projects may only commence once approval has been obtained from the relevant regional research ethics committee.
  • Projects involving animal testing require authorization from The Animal Experiments Inspectorate, if covered by the Bekendtgørelse af lov om dyreforsøg (LBK nr 63 af 19/01/2024). Additionally, note the rules in the Bekendtgørelse om dyreforsøg (BEK nr 1065 af 25/09/2024).
  • Projects involving the utilization of genetic resources and traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources are subject to The Nagoya Protocol on fair sharing of benefits arising in the use of genetic resources. 

Have questions?

Contact the secretariat
Weekdays from 9 am - 12 pm
Tel.: +45 72 31 82 00
Email: dff-opslag@ufm.dk